Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Guess what's coming to Family Pendragon???

I am so excited to announce that I have just opened an account with Henry's Attic yarns and will be able to get all their fabulous yarns to dye!! I am also excited that I may be starting my first B&M retail venture with a yarn shop in Kansas - more on that when I know more ;) In the meantime - I broke my good camera - boo :( Actually I don't really know what happened but it doesn't work now and grinds when it tries to open - yikes! Customs are on schedule - dyeing and crocheting. I fear I may not have left enough time to make all the Christmas presents I am planning, but we'll see how it goes, LOL! I am trying to make myself stop inventing new colorways and work on organizing the ones I have in my gallery ;) Also - all the sets I created are now broken into individual pieces for quick sale or you can combine into sets for a discount! Check it all out at

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Monday, November 19, 2007

35th Birthday Stocking at 2PM Eastern

Don't miss the stocking this afternoon!! We have an auction, a lottery, a Free For Shipping lottery, tons of new colorways and some old one, and some gorgeous collaboration sets with Growing Up Mad and Grow Me A Rainbow!!

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dyeing up a storm!

Well I am having a blast getting ready for my birthday stocking!! I am cranking out my monthly customs, working on a special custom that was part of a surprise set with Hibiscus Baby, doing some custom dyeing, and getting a BUNCH of new colorways done with a few older favorites. Don't miss the great collab sets either! Look for Appliqued Shirts from Growing Up Mad and Embroidered shirts from Grow Me A Rainbow! November 19th at 2 PM!!

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Next stocking is November 19th!

I have decided to set my next stocking for November 19th - my 35th Birthday!! Check my site for a colorway naming contest for $5 OFF at that stocking!

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