Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wow - so much going on!

Well, knock on wood, but I think the new website is going to be ready really soon. We're working on ideas to celebrate our grand opening.... any ideas out there?

The longies that are the subject of the photos for the Tunisian pattern are almost done... which means - yes - the photos are almost done! Then I just need to to get everything edited, cropped and put together so it can get tested.... that is where a few FP fans will come in ;)

Woolgirl has let us know that she NEEDS more Family Pendragon yarn, LOL! So as soon as that new order is in we will be hopping again around here - just dyeing up a storm!

We are also going to be adding a few new yarns to our selection soon. They will probably be premiering at with her next order!

I have some new colorways burning a hole in my head, and I want some new pics of some old colorways for our new website too. So that means we may be dyeing up some yarn for instock on our Hyenacart - more on that when it happens! You'll hear about it here first :)

Thanks again for being such great customers and friends!


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