Friday, April 25, 2008

Custom dye slots available!

Having inventoried our available yarn, we decided it is time to post some custom dye slots. We have Bulky BFL from the UK, Big Blue Bulky BFL from Canada, Montana Merino, Licorice Twist Merino, Merino/Nylon Sock, Morgaine sock, and probably others I am forgetting right now, LOL! Look for slots to be posted asap!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Sorry I haven't been online much lately. Emerson had his dental surgery. It was wretched and not nearly as trauma free as we had hoped. And it ended up costing $2,000 which we ended up getting a care credit loan to cover. But at least it is done for now. We have been warned it may not hold, but we have our fingers crossed that it will. My husband hopefully has 2 part time jobs that will start in May so that we can get back on our feet. We had to night wean immediately after the dental work. We used the Dr. Jay Gordon method, and although it was far from easy - it did work. I had no night time to work for about 10 days, but now he is sleeping all the way till 6am. So we should be back in business soon :) I will be doing some dyeing tomorrow for some special orders that have come in via email. If anyone needs anything just email me and I'll see what I can do!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Update on the situation at Family Pendragon... my husband has still had no luck on the job front and now my son needs $1600 worth of dental surgery for his front teeth which broke when he fell in the driveway. So when it rains... yep, it pours. We made it through March, and will make it through April thanks to our loyal HC customers. Hoping to get halfway through May if needed thanks to the stimulus check... but praying he gets a job waaaay before then. If I am not online much it is because we are scrimping on energy usage - we are now using only solar lights and fans that my husband rigged up with solar panels and stuff he's been collecting for the last 4 years. Hoping to make a dent in our $400 a month energy bill! He also got around to putting up my clothes line (AKA solar clothes dryer) finally which also should help. So there are some advantages to the fact that he's unemployed, LOL! I have to try to see the good side or I'll go nuts. So, just trying to keep my chin up and my head above water.... this too shall pass.