Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Stocking Saturday the 29th at 4PM!! Last custom slot lottery, new and old colorways - Cool stuff - come check it out :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New colorway and collabs

Stephanie won the custom colorway auction and inspired a gorgeous (if I do say so myself, LOL!) new colorway called Kentucky Sundown which will be appearing in future stockings. She got the first though and all 9.2 oz are headed her way. Can't wait to see what she makes with it!

More news... I will be collaborating with Kristen of This Chick Knits
She will be premiering some new colorways ("Sabrina" and "Leo") as custom slots in her store as well as showcasing some familiar colorways. She has also been kind enough to work a trade with me so my sweet son will get a gorgeous new pair of longies in exchange for some of Mommy's yarn :) How is it we never have time to make enough goodies for our own kids? Also look for some collabs on my site where you'll be able to not only purchase yarn, but have the option of purchasing one of her custom slots with it! WAHMy fun - gotta love it!

And so that I can bring you proper swatches in the future (hopefully) my friend Vicki's little girl is kindly teaching me how to knit - OK she's trying anyway ;) Don't worry knitters - you have no competition here in the foreseeable future, LOL!

And just to see if anyone is paying attention - I am opening for customs briefly right now to fill up the rest of the year. I will not be announcing this elsewhere. Those waiting on the list to be on the list - you will now be on the list, LOL!

ETA: OK - I now have only 1 slot left in December - it will be offered at my next stocking 9/29/07 at 4PM as a lottery for purchase!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Stocking today!

I am stocking today - don't miss out on all the goodies! I even added a "Surprise Yarn" auction :) I have also gotten to do a little more dyeing for a future stocking. And I am working on Jessica's custom. It may not sound like it but I have slowed down the last couple days as my poor son has been sick :(

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Yeah - new photos!

I spent all day at my sister's and she took nice new pretty pics of everything that is stocking on Friday - Thanks sis!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Groovy Baby! Longies

So I spent tonight finishing up this absolutely fun pair of longies I am referring to as the Groovy Baby! longies, LOL! They are made with Marr Haven organic Merino/Rambouillet in my Medee colorway and finished off with green 100 Pure Wool 3 ply trim. I had fun coming up with the lacey scalloped edges for the legs. These are Mediums and will be stocked along with the NB longies and yarn as soon as I can get to my sister's house to get decent pictures :)

Oh heck - should I just stock it anyway with my crappy pictures? I don't know... Oh - I need to go to my sis's anyway to bring her longies to her that I added a ruffle to...

ETA - I did it - I am previewing a 9/14 stocking at 1PM :) I will try to get better pics before then ;)

Saturday, September 8, 2007


OK, I can't stand having such an empty cart! Some of my yarn has been on display at a local craft display and I think I'll go get it back and stock it along with a skein or two of my seconds and the NB longies, LOL! I wanted to wait till I got to have another big dye session - but my son is making that impossible right now - along with my customs schedule :) I'll have to figure out when is a good day to do it... I'll get back with a date when I figure it out ;)

Friday, September 7, 2007

All done!

Finished up Cynthia's longies tonight - just need to block, lanolize and get them drying tomorrow. Very happy with how they turned out! Its so much fun to use yarn I dyed myself :)

All my new dyeing stuff came in the mail and I am just desperate to try it out - but I have so many customs due I just can't get the time :( What a great problem to have though, LOL!

I have several skeins of seconds that I could stock, and the newborn longies - but I'd like to wait till I have more to offer. I was suddenly having a heck of a time with my dyes - everything kept coming out with these weird specks. After creating quite a few seconds I finally figured out that my dye particles were falling out of the stock solutions in my blue based colors. So the yarn that I dyed before that moment of enlightenment has some darker spots and some specks on it... Live and learn. I got a couple neat books and new dyes and other goodies in several days ago and have hardly so much as gotten to look in the box - LOL!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Local Hyenas!

I found out that one of my customers is local to me - how cool is that!? We may be doing some collabs in the future and trying to get together for a Hyena Party :) Still plugging away on Cynthia's gorgeous Tunisian longies. A bunch of us Hyena WAHMs worked together online today to come up with a good set of standard wool care instructions and I ordered new business cards and postcards with the instructions on them - I even got some free magnets!