Monday, December 31, 2007
Restocking Fairies of Avalon!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Something on the horizon...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Dyeing soon!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
On a whim!
Surprise stocking
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Update on the longies pattern! And lots of other stuff....
The written version of the longies pattern is now to the test ready stage, however it needs pictures.... which means I need to make a set of NB longies in contrasting colors and get some really good photos of the stages of development and tricky spots. I have one more custom to do this month, and a couple sizeable dye orders - and then I will hopefully get Christmas gifts knocked out, LOL! I am leaving January pretty much open to figure out taxes and - theoretically get the pattern completed, and work toward revamping my site. Yarn prices will be going up. My manufacturers are raising prices and I will also be changing the price structure to make it easier on myself. Right now the PayPal fees, packaging fees, etc are lumped in with the shipping and it gets confusing. So I am going to go ahead and add them in with the item/yarn prices as I change the rates on the site. I am also trying to figure out how I am going to offer custom slots next year - and how many per month my son will let me do.... your suggestions are welcome. I have been thinking of doing all lottery for purchase slots for crochet and all custom slots for yarn. Also - as a side note - I did finally get the luscious Bulky BFL in!! It may be the last for a while due to supply issues from the UK. And - something to keep in mind when ordering future customs - thicker yarn equals fewer stitches which means faster turn around and a lower price for you :) I just completed a Large pair of longies using Cestari Aran weight yarn and instead of $89 - the labor ended up being just $40! And of course the Cestari Columbian Merino is very affordable, durable, plenty soft - and it only took 10.5 ounces!! I am so in love with that yarn :) Can you tell?? LOL! OK - enough 2AM rambling... time to go snuggle up with the cutest little boy in the world :)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Blogs now sent directly to the Yahoo Group!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Yahoo Group formed!

Blogged with Flock
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Clearance Auctions! 4 hours only
Blogged with Flock
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Guess what's coming to Family Pendragon???
Blogged with Flock
Monday, November 19, 2007
35th Birthday Stocking at 2PM Eastern
Blogged with Flock
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Dyeing up a storm!
Blogged with Flock
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
"Home at last..................!" or "Attack of the Ants!!"
DO NOT take your 1 year old camping - at least not in Texas where everything bites back! From fire ants, to mesquite, to stickers, to cactus, to scorpions, to mosquitoes, to rattle snakes, to chile pequins.... Danger was everywhere! So my poor son pretty much spent most of his time sitting in the tent with me and/or Daddy all day and night. And napping in the tent in 90 something degree weather - oh let me tell you - October isn't fall in Texas till the sun goes down and the temps plummet. Freeze all night and sweat all day! Whee what fun - NOT!
We bought a nice big new tent for this trip... the evil fire ants squeezed through the seams in the bottom of the tent at 3am the first night, swarmed the air matress my son and I slept on and attacked us. We were sent scurrying to sleep cramped in the back of the car the rest of the night. My son was quite comfy as he slept on top of me. I however.... anyway...
The next day we sprayed all kinds of stuff on the tent seams and treated the mounds and even put duct tape over all the seams. We thought we were safe... and for one night we were. Apparently they had only paused to plot their revenge - and this time with reinforcements! Because on the third night they chewed through the tarp, through the tent, and through the duct tape to once again swarm our bed and attack us!! Once again we scurried into the back of the car... this time with less bedding as too much of it was covered in ants. So Mommy was a bit colder... to make things worse - when Daddy shut us in by closing the back hatch - he apparently didn't slam it hard enough. After 20 minutes the auto-locking mechanism apparently kicked in... because every time my foot pressed against the hatch - the car alarm went off and disabled my car - I am NOT kidding!! Its 3am, I'm freezing, sleeping with my knees up and a baby on my chest, barely covered by a blanket, with all kinds of uncomfortable things poking me in the back... and a fracking car alarm going off... my son and husband sleep happily through it - repeatedly! And the car keys are nowhere to be found... Finally at 7 am my son woke up all happy and refreshed, LOL! I popped the lock and set off the car alarm one more time - which absolutely seemed histerical to my son thank goodness, LOL! My dear husband meanwhile slept the rest of the night peacefully on his cot in the middle of the tent unbothered by the evil ants. I however didn't bring a cot because it hurts my back and my son might fall off, LOL! Considering how we ended up.... hmmm... maybe next time I'll bring a cot as a back up! But that next time will be a while!
We dragged ourselves out of there late last night and just stayed at a hotel to recover enough to make the drive home. My poor husband had to do all the set up and tear down himself since I had to basically carry my son continuously to protect him from everything around him. He was soooo exhausted by the time we finally made it home. And we had to drive both cars to fit all the gear... I am happy to say that we had plenty of cloth diapers to make the whole trip, LOL! So at least there was a silver lining! Running out would have only made everything that much worse!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Site changes!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
New Colorways Coming!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
We're going camping!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New colorway and collabs
More news... I will be collaborating with Kristen of This Chick Knits
She will be premiering some new colorways ("Sabrina" and "Leo") as custom slots in her store as well as showcasing some familiar colorways. She has also been kind enough to work a trade with me so my sweet son will get a gorgeous new pair of longies in exchange for some of Mommy's yarn :) How is it we never have time to make enough goodies for our own kids? Also look for some collabs on my site where you'll be able to not only purchase yarn, but have the option of purchasing one of her custom slots with it! WAHMy fun - gotta love it!
And so that I can bring you proper swatches in the future (hopefully) my friend Vicki's little girl is kindly teaching me how to knit - OK she's trying anyway ;) Don't worry knitters - you have no competition here in the foreseeable future, LOL!
And just to see if anyone is paying attention - I am opening for customs briefly right now to fill up the rest of the year. I will not be announcing this elsewhere. Those waiting on the list to be on the list - you will now be on the list, LOL!
ETA: OK - I now have only 1 slot left in December - it will be offered at my next stocking 9/29/07 at 4PM as a lottery for purchase!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Stocking today!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Yeah - new photos!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Groovy Baby! Longies
Oh heck - should I just stock it anyway with my crappy pictures? I don't know... Oh - I need to go to my sis's anyway to bring her longies to her that I added a ruffle to...
ETA - I did it - I am previewing a 9/14 stocking at 1PM :) I will try to get better pics before then ;)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
All done!
All my new dyeing stuff came in the mail and I am just desperate to try it out - but I have so many customs due I just can't get the time :( What a great problem to have though, LOL!
I have several skeins of seconds that I could stock, and the newborn longies - but I'd like to wait till I have more to offer. I was suddenly having a heck of a time with my dyes - everything kept coming out with these weird specks. After creating quite a few seconds I finally figured out that my dye particles were falling out of the stock solutions in my blue based colors. So the yarn that I dyed before that moment of enlightenment has some darker spots and some specks on it... Live and learn. I got a couple neat books and new dyes and other goodies in several days ago and have hardly so much as gotten to look in the box - LOL!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Local Hyenas!
Friday, August 31, 2007
My first BLOG!
You may have noticed that I am currently closed for customs. I have so many I am obligated to already and I don't want to take a chance of falling behind during the holidays - plus I want to have time to do some of the many instock ideas I have burning a hole in my brain right now, LOL! I will be out of town for about a week in the middle of October, so I really would like to get everything done early before I leave.
I am busily working on my customs list right now - and when I take a break I am experimenting with creating new dyeing techniques and using new products. I have a bunch of skeins dyed up right now, but will be using them for instock items rather than selling them. I am working on a couple techniques that will provide more random results than typical yarn dyeing. I am so excited about all that I have going on!
I am also working on a couple instock longies - both girlie ones as it turns out. One is a NB pair that is made from my OOAK confetti colorway. I have a couple pics

Confetti is a style of dyeing that I developed on this skein - and it will be used in various colorways in the future - but this one is the original!
The others are way cool hippie chic pants with all the mod colors in my Medee colorway. No pics yet ;)
I haven't been online too much lately as my son, Emerson is going through a big growth spurt - a bunch of teeth coming in, walking like a maniac, chattering up a storm, and having a crazy sleep schedule.